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Game Developer & Designer

Explore My Work Below!

Hello everyone! My name is Natalie. I'm a 29-year-old professional breaking into game development. After spending my younger life enjoying the masterful experiences crafted by developers all over the globe, I now challenge myself to create my own worlds, write my own stories, and chart my path as a game developer.

My experience lies in designing levels, programming scripts to craft compelling experiences, and writing game reviews. My portfolio showcases my personal, academic, and professional work in game development and the games industry at large. Whether you're a potential employer, a fellow game developer, or simply someone who appreciates gaming, I invite you to explore my projects, see what I can offer, and what I can bring to your team.

My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! Here you’ll find a selection of my various personal, academic, and professional works. Click on one of the projects below to learn more about my experience.

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